Super spinners Sian Thomas and Steve Evans, and then L-R: Teri Ann Burgoyne, Mark Lunt and Katie Thomas Davies.
We raised more than £13,000, with donations still coming in!
Derwen College Sports Coordinators, Sian Thomas and Steve Evans, completed a phenomenal 24 hours on spin bikes, finally dismounting happy, though a little saddle sore, at 10am on Saturday, 25 March.
The Spinathon raised funds for students and clients, including funds for new accessible sports changing facilities. The determined duo were joined by supporters, students and staff embarking on their own personal challenges; some students had never been on a spin bike before and were spinning for up to an hour, others completed far longer sessions on the bike.
The Spinathon featured 23 spin bikes, which were all kept spinning through the day and night thanks to fundraisers offering from one to 24 hours of their pain, sweat and tears.
Sian and Steve were delighted to receive offers of entertainment through the night. Spinners enjoyed acts by Magician Dean Raymond, local band The Recursives, Oswestry Jive Club, Performing Arts students, DOT (Derwen on Tour) sign, song and dance group, as well as a party courtesy of the Derwen Pride takeover.
Oswestry Mayor Jay Moore joined the challenge for the big finish on Saturday morning, even getting on a spin bike with his mini Mayor son.
The event was streamed live with messages of support coming from across the UK all through the night.
Cross-college event
Sports coordinator Steve Evans said: “Thank you to everyone who supported us through this challenge. The pain and exhaustion were real, and I don’t think we could have done without all the support that we had.
“I loved that it was a cross-college event with staff and students joining together from all areas to help raise money. The energy and enthusiasm surrounding the event kept us going. Everyone motivated each other and inspired others to do more and challenge themselves. It wasn’t just about us doing 24 hours as everyone taking part had their own personal challenges which was really inspiring.
Sian Thomas said: “It is just unbelievable that we smashed last year’s target, raising an incredible £12,700, with more still coming in.
“Absolutely everyone involves deserves a huge thank you, but I have to mention my sister Katy, husband Mark and colleague TerriAnn who gave up their time to suffer the full 24 hours of spinning to support us.”
“The whole event was amazing but never again!”
Truly team work
Derwen College Chair of Trustees, Kathleen Kimber said: “I want to congratulate all who have been involved in planning and supporting the operation of the Spinathon, and all the spinners. Sian and Steve have emphasised one of the huge strengths of the College, which we see all the time in students’ and clients’ achievements. You set the challenge; you encourage and raise aspirations; you equip for success, and you work alongside each other. It is truly team work and the number brought into the team on this occasion is awesome.
The event was sponsored by Oswestry School, Bridge Coffee, Coach House Fitness, Active8 Gym, Planet Doors, Tanat Valley Coaches, Shropshire Design & Print and Co-op, Rocking Horse Media.
There’s still time to support the efforts of our spinners, so please donate.