2020 Duke of Edinburgh’s Awards Expeditions
Please note: This information is for the DofE expeditions which were postponed during the summer 2020, NOT for the groups that started in September 2020.
All expeditions will be day activities only. Leave College at 9am and we aim to be back on site each day for 4pm.
Bronze – Walking expedition.
Routes will be decided nearer the time depending on local restrictions.
Parents/carers will be contacted directly and will be told which dates their young person will taking part.
Practice will be either Saturday 7th, Sunday 8th or Monday 9th November.
Assessment will be either 16th and 17th November OR 23rd and 24th November OR 30th November and 1st December (depending on group allocation).
Bronze kit list
- Rucksack (Large enough to carry lunch, water, waterproofs and an extra layers if cold)
- Appropriate warm clothing for a day of walking (thermals, t-shirt/base layers, fleece top and walking trousers/tracksuit – not jeans)
- Appropriate footwear (walking shoes/boots are strongly advised)
- Waterproof coat and waterproof trousers
- Woolly hat
- Gloves
- Water bottle
- Some of the expeditions involve consecutive days so sufficient t-shirts, fleece tops etc are required. Waterproofs can be dried each evening in College if need be.
Silver – Canoe expedition on the canal system locally.
Route will be decided nearer the time depending on local restrictions.
Parents/carers will be contacted directly and will be told which dates their young person will taking part.
Practice will be on Thursday 19th and Friday 20th November.
Assessment will be 25th, 26th and 27th November.
Silver kit list
- Suitable bag for carrying a spare set of clothes
- Appropriate warm clothing for the day (thermals, t-shirts/base layers, fleece top and walking trousers/tracksuit – not jeans)
- Old trainers/walking shoes/boots for wearing in the canoe as feet may get wet
- Waterproof jacket and waterproof trousers
- Woolly hat
- Gloves
- Water bottle
- Some of the expeditions involve consecutive days so sufficient t-shirts, fleece tops etc are required. Waterproofs can be dried each evening in College if need be.
Gold – Walking expedition.
Routes will be decided nearer the time depending on local restrictions.
Parents/carers will be contacted directly and will be told which dates their young person will taking part.
Practice will be on Thursday 5th and Friday 6th November.
Assessment will be 10th, 11th, 12th and 13th November.
Gold kit list
- Rucksack (Large enough to carry lunch, water, waterproofs and an extra layers if cold)
- Appropriate warm clothing (thermals, t-shirts/base layers, fleece top and walking trousers/tracksuit – not jeans)
- Appropriate footwear (walking shoes/boots are strongly advised)
- Waterproof jacket and waterproof trousers
- Woolly hat
- Gloves
- Water bottle
- Some of the expeditions involve consecutive days so sufficient t-shirts, fleece tops etc are required. Waterproofs can be dried each evening in College if need be.